Our latest publications address a variety of issues:
Vasconcellos et al (2011) analyze organic and inorganic components, including metals, of inhalable particles in Bogotá, Buenos Aires, and Sao Paulo. In al cities, formate/acetate ratios indicated the strong contribution of photochemical reactions. Analyzes were performed using in a coordinated manner existing laboratories in the various cities. Click here to see more.
Saide et al (2011 ) developed an urban scale PM10 and PM2.5 forecasting system that tackles the stable nocturnal conditions and steep topography of Santiago. PM10 and PM2.5 events are effectively simulated using CO as a PM surrogate.Results show that pollution episodes seem to be dominated by previous days emissions. Click here for furhter information.
Gallardo et al (2011) use observed CO to NOx molar ratios to evaluate mobile emissions at four South Americman cities. CO to NOx molar ratios decrease over the last 10–15 years, mostly due to reductions in CO emissions.The observed ratios are not captured by available inventories. Major uncertainties are linked to CO emission factors and inadequate activity data for NOx. The evidence indicates overestimates of current NOx emissions. Link to the article here .
And here we are outside the Geology Department on FCFM Santiago de Chile!

Entre el 9 y 12 de enero se llevará a cabo el workshop “Towards an Integrated Observing System for South America: air quality assessment and forecasting in MegaCities”, el que además de las charlas magistrales ofrecerá mini cursos destinados a alumnos avanzados y profesionales en servicios públicos.
Mas información y el link directo acá.
We have organized a workshop in January 9-12 2012, involving leading scientists and local policymakers to evaluate the present situation and act towards the design of an integrated observing system to assess and forecast air quality in and aroundgrowing South American urban centers. This activity marks the closure of a fiveyear project sponsored by the Inter American Institute on Global ChangeResearch that tackled South American Emissions Megacities and Climate (SAEMC, CRN 2017). It is also a regional activity promoted and sponsored by theinternational Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution (
iCACGP),and by the World Meteorological Organization, Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) and Urban Research Meteorology and Environment (
For further information click here .

Our colleagues at SENAMHI launches operational chemical weather forecasting for Lima!
Since December the second, SENAMHI is providing chemical weather forecasting Lima. It provides a comparison with Peruvian standards and the spatial and temporal distribution of pollutant including ozone, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide. This work has been done in collaboration with INPE/CPTEC. More details here .
This has also reached the national tv news, if you want to see the full new, click here .
Congratulations to our colleagues for a very well done work!

Another contribution of Pablo Saide representing SAEMC, this time on Iowa News .
Also we have another contribution, now we have SAEMC on TV Online: Link .

Congratulations to Paul for his contribution to the investigation of critical episodes of smog in Chile, more details see the attached image.
SAEMC researchers met in Buenos Aires with decision makers and explored with IAI managers the possible continuation of the project.
For more see Wiki.

Closing meeting,
Buenos Aires (May 19-21 2010)

Last week, we held our closing meeting in downtown Buenos Aires, the first South American mega city. This meeting had still another intensive schedule with plenty of stuff to be told and thought about. In addition to our growing team, many decision makers and colleagues from Buenos Aires attended the meeting on Thursday morning. It was a time of evaluation of the work achieved, and a lot of new energy for assuming new challenges, and a few pending tasks. By Friday evening we were exhausted but greatly satisfied, and hopeful. Here you can find a summary of what has been achieved so far as well as new ideas as this team has grown and evolved. In the coming weeks you will read more papers, new projects, new scientists and engineers getting their degrees and a growing communication with policy makers.
Read more »
Presentation:“Emission from South America M-Cities“ from Laura Gallardo
in “Global aerosol source and sink processes” session chaired by Tami Bond & Ben Jonhson
at Goldschmidt™2009 – “Challenges to Our Volatile Planet”
June 21-26 in Davos, Switzerland: program